This early trade, not only was a local exchange of goods and food, but also a global exchange of scientific and technological innovations, among others, work in iron, bronze work, the wheel, the wheel, navigation, writing new forms of urbanism, and so on. In the Iberian Peninsula this period is called the Oriental zing, by the continuous influence from the
Barter was the way that Patrice #37 jerseys ancient civilizations began to trade. It is exchanging goods for other goods of equal value. The main drawback of this trade is that the two parties involved in commercial transactions had to agree on the need of the goods offered by the other party. To solve this problem was a series of intermediaries that store the goods involved in commercial transactions. These intermediaries often added too high a risk in these transactions, and therefore this trade was quickly shelved when it appeared the currency.
Currency, or money, in a more general definition, is an agreement in a community for the exchange of goods and assets. Money, not only has to serve for the exchange but also a unit of account and a tool to store value. Historically there have been many different types of money, from pigs, whale teeth, cocoa, or certain types of seashells. However, without a doubt the most widely used throughout the story is gold.